The most common reason Malaysians visit the dentist is for a checkup. Dentists recommend a dental check up every 6 months. As seen in the statistics, only 16% of Malaysians actually visit the dentist for a checkup twice a year. This is insufficient however as there could be underlying issues such as plaque build up or cavities that are undetected within that time frame. 


Other than that, Malaysians also visit the dentist for cosmetic reasons. Your teeth are one of the biggest factors behind that great smile. Many Malaysians opt for various cosmetic procedures such as putting on braces, teeth whitening and veneers. Today, let us share with you some of the most common dental procedures that you can get in Malaysia.


  1. Braces 

Traditionally, braces are used to realign teeth to form a great smile. Lately however, having braces has become somewhat of a fashionable trend. Regardless, there are different types of braces available. From traditional fixed metal braces, to modern invisible braces, they all function the same. They work by exerting force and pressure on the teeth to push it to an ideal position. Treatment duration also varies depending on how much movement is needed for the teeth.


  1. Whitening

Teeth whitening in Malaysia is also one of the more popular dental treatments. Great white teeth can be a great motivator behind that amazing selfie smile. The treatment can be done either in-clinic or at home. In-clinic treatments usually involve high concentrations of whitening material and should only be performed by well-trained dentists. Home whitening kits however, contain safer amounts of whitening material and are usually given alongside clear instruction books and guidelines.


  1. Cavities

Malaysia has one of the highest sugar consumption rates per capita in Asia. Therefore, it is not surprising that tooth decay and cavities are also very common. Cavities occur when the protective enamel of your teeth gets eroded due to bacterial growth. This is further accelerated by consumption of high sugar content foods and poor dental hygiene. 


Dental health is very important for your overall well being. Other than a great smile, great dental health assures that you can continue munching on your favorite foods. At Tiew Dental, they offer a wide range of dental services, all carried out by highly trained dentists only. Check them out for your next dental appointment!

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