Eventually, during your breastfeeding experience, you may need to pump or express your breast milk. If you won’t use it immediately, you can store your milk to use later on.
Women express their breast milk for some reason. At the point when you gather expressed breast milk accurately, you can freeze and store it for a half year or significantly more. You may decide to pump and freeze your breast milk if:
- To relieve the pain and swelling of bosom engorgement.
- To slow down reflex or a quick flow of breast milk.
- To give your baby breast milk when you can’t be with him or her.
- You need to come back to work or school, yet you might want your child to keep on accepting your breast milk.
- To make a supply of breast milk to utilize when you’re no longer breastfeeding.
Best Way to Store Breastmilk in Freezer
If you are pumping breast milk for a premature baby or donating to a milk bank, the assortment and capacity process might be more strict. Ask the medical clinic staff or the representative at the milk bank for the best possible assortment and storage rules to follow.
The following are guidelines for gathering and freezing breast milk that you intend to use at home for your healthy, full-term child.
1. Pick your collection container
At the point when you’re intending to freeze your breast milk, be certain you pick a container that can withstand the freezing and thawing process. There is a wide range of containers that can be utilized to store breast milk including breast milk storage bags, plastic bottles, glass containers, and breast milk trays.
When you’re choosing the compartment that is right for you, consider how long you intend to keep your breast milk away. Some breast milk storage bags, for instance, are mostly intended for freezing and can be stored flat, and then stacked, which spares a big room of space. In any case, you should not pick normal plastic sandwich packs that can leak and break. Glass and hard plastic will give your breast milk the best insurance if you intend to store your milk for a longer time.
Whichever container you pick, it should be clean, BPA-free, and safe for the storage of food. Depending upon the amount of breast milk that you’re able to pump, you may need to have extra collection containers prepared. Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bag is the best breastfeeding storage bag in Malaysia which is BPA and BPS free to visit their website now to learn more.
2. Assemble your supplies
If you are hand-expressing your breast milk, your collection storage must be clean. If you are pumping, you should set up your pump, pump flanges, tubing, and collection storage. All of your pumping tools should be dry and clean to prevent any bacteria from entering your breast milk when you pump.
3. Wash your hands
Continuously wash your hands before you start to pump, express, or handle your breast milk. Any germs on your skin can get into your breast milk as you’re gathering it. The most ideal approach to avoid contamination is by keeping everything as clean as possible.
4. Try not to pack your storage container
If you are utilizing a similar collection container to collect and store your breast milk, be certain not to fill it right to the top. breast milk expands in the freezer, so it needs the additional room on the top. If you fill the holder to the overflow, it can burst.
In this manner, you should quit adding breast milk to the holder when it’s around 2/3 or 3/4 full. If you still have more to pump, go on to other containers.
If you are pouring your breast milk from the collection container into an alternate storage container, complete the collection of your breast milk then pour your milk into the storage containers. As instructed above, don’t fill the storage containers to the top. Your breast milk needs space to grow.
5. Seal your storage container
When you put the ideal amount of breast milk into the container, seal it with the best possible airtight zipper seal or cap. A bottle nipple can’t give an airtight seal, so you shouldn’t use a nipple when you’re putting away your bottles in the cooler. Lansinoh Malaysia Breastmilk Storage Bag offers the best airtight seal bag that prevents from milk spilling.
6. Freeze your breast milk
Place your breast milk into the cooler as soon as possible after you gather it. The best way to store your breast milk in the freezer is at the rear of the cooler where it’s typically the coldest. If you put your breast milk in the fridge first, freeze it inside 24 hours. If a fridge or cooler isn’t accessible, you can place your milk in a protected cooler with ice packs for up to 24 hours and afterward freeze it.